Sunday, June 24, 2007

John McCain, Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani total 4.7% in Linn County Straw Poll

Here are the results from the Linn County GOP Straw Poll. These results were mailed to me, upon my request, by Janet Johnson of the Linn County GOP. Linn County is the second largest county in Iowa, so if this is an indication of things to come for the Ames Straw Poll then it should be a very interesting event. Congratulations to presidential candidates Tommy Thompson, Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo, John Cox and Ron Paul for exceeding expectations and performing well in this Iowa poll.

Tommy Thompson
Sam Brownback
Tom Tancredo
Mitt Romney
John Cox
Fred Thompson
Rudy Giuliani
Daniel Gilbert
Duncan Hunter
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
Hugh Cort


Unknown said...

I was there, and for your info, it cost $10.00 to vote in the Linn County Straw Poll. There was no cover for anything else, but voting cost $10.00. This is not really an accurate indication of real support, of course. Rather, it is a fund raiser for the Linn County GOP. Congrats to Tommy Thompson, though!

TeaKrunkit said...

Hi Heather,

The Ames poll will cost $35 to vote won't it? Obviously that's the more important one to buy a vote for. I like the little polls though. They give a chance for the lesser-knowns to claim a victory. I give props to 'Action Man' Thompson. I don't agree with him on much but he said he was going to work Iowa polls and it appears as if he's been working Iowa polls. Brownback and Tancredo also have set-ups in Iowa so their finishes don't come as much of a surprise either. I think the Linn County poll is a decent indicator of the lack of respect Iowans have for Giuliani and McCain. Heck throw Romney in there too. Rudy and John dissed Iowa, but Romney has been spending millions on ads and has been trying to court Iowans. I expected to see better results from him and Fred Thompson. The little guys won the Linn poll, and good for them.


Anonymous said...

Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul!

God bless Ron Paul, I will pray.

Anonymous said...

This topsy-turvy straw poll actually is a very poor reflection of reality, and is quite meaningless.

But thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Ron Paul's fanatical followers are crowing here over this result is humorous.

He was beat by no-name candidate John Cox! How pathetic is that?

MozoVote said...

What is more pathetic is "top" candidates like McCain and Guiliani skipping the Ames poll. Ron really could place high if all he's competing with is Romney's mass airlift of DVD's and no other serious campaigning.

Ryan Strandmark said...

I think through this whole ordeal the lies of our 4th wing of government is going to be exposed for what they really are. This has heart, something money cannot buy.


Bret Moore said...

While the 3.4% isn't a whole lot to get excited about, it does show that support for Romney may not be as massive as the Media is making out. I think the Paul folks have their target on Ames, anyway, and likely did not hit this event very hard. I know they are gearing up for a media blitz. But their message is, frankly, so infectious that I don't see how they can't win at Ames. You can deride them as fanatical if you want - some might call the other candidates' devotion to Cheney's Unwinnable War "fanatical" - but they have heart, and lots of it. And that gets people excited. We'll see soon enough, won't we? Exciting times!

Anonymous said...

Tommy Thompson? Ok.

Anonymous said...

It definately gave Tommy his moment in the sun.

Anonymous said...

Anyone care to share with us how many actual PEOPLE voted in this poll? Percents are great, but..