Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tommy Thompson Wins Linn County Straw Poll

Tommy Thompson defeated Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Tom Tancredo and other Republican candidates in the Linn County Straw Poll held on Saturday, June 23rd at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mr. Thompson won the poll with 33% of the vote.

Linn County is the second largest county in Iowa and Thompson focusing his efforts on Iowa more than any other candidate.
In other news, supporters for several candidates made themselves useful at the Freedom Festival in Cedar Rapids on Saturday. While browsing the crowd I saw noticeable support for John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson and Barack Obama for the Democrats, as well as Tom Thompson, Sam Brownback and Ron Paul for the Republicans.


Anonymous said...

Tommy Thompson? Seriously? Isn't he the guy who said it was ok to fire someone because they are gay then went on to blame it on his hearing aid and that he had to use the restroom?

Anonymous said...

I work in the Thompson campaign office in Iowa and I can assure you that Governor Thompson does not support discrimination of any sort. Perhaps if you paid closer attention to the candidate you could gain some clarity on the issue.